Career Transitions for Internationally Trained Health Professionals (CT-IHP)

Get the support you need to transition your skills and knowledge into healthcare-related roles.

Woman helping man on computer

Access Opportunities in the Health Sector

Career Transitions for Internationally Trained Health Professionals (CT-IHP) is a comprehensive employment preparation program for internationally trained health professionals that connects with employers and community partners. This is an Employment Ontario program, led by the Catholic Centre for Immigrants (CCI) and delivered in partnership with World Skills. The program provides focused training to help participants transition their skills and knowledge into healthcare-related roles. The program also works with employers and community partners to connect them to qualified candidates for a variety of healthcare-related positions.

CT-IHP supports you every step of the way

If you are looking for employment, seeking to build your language and communications, learn about learning and training opportunities, take your first step with us! Newcomers with lower language skills will benefit from tailored support to prepare for and navigate the Ottawa job market.

  • We assist clients with mock interviews for jobs, fellowship and residency
  • We share weekly job, internships and volunteer opportunities in unregulated health sector roles
  • We are available to meet your employment coaching needs

Program Frequency

  • Ongoing registration and support throughout the year

Eligibility Criteria for the Career Transitions for Internationally Trained Health Professionals

  • International Health Professionals
  • Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee, Refugee Claimant with valid work permit or foreign-born Canadian citizen
  • Entitled to work in Canada
  • Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or higher or equivalent
  • Resident of Ontario
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Expansion of your network with professionals in your field

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Identifying your transferable skills

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One-on-one assistance to put together a good resume, LinkedIn profile, and guidance with writing a cover letter (specific to health sector)

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Extensive knowledge of the Canadian health system

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Knowledge to navigate the licensing system

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Connect employers and community partners with qualified clients for a variety of healthcare positions

See What Past Clients Have to Say About Their Experience!