Coaching and Networking Events

Learn about how you can share best practices and provide employment insights as well as expert coaching for newcomer job seekers.



Woman and Man shaking hands in front of team at table

Support Newcomers via Coaching and Networking Events


  • Sharing your knowledge, expertise and time coaching newcomers can make all the difference to their economic integration into the Canadian labour market. 
  • Develop leadership skills, promote your brand and support your organization’s corporate social responsibility. 

Benefits of Participating in Coaching and Networking Events


Key Benefits of the Program


For Coaches: 

  • Give back to the community by sharing your insights and lived professional and personal experience.
  • Develop your mentoring, coaching, and leadership skills. 
  • Enhance individual and organizational cross-cultural awareness, knowledge and competencies.
  • Promote your organization to World Skills as well as our newcomer clients. 

Newcomer Job Seekers:

  • Learn employment strategies from seasoned HR/Talent Acquisition professionals in your sector.
  • Learn from former newcomers on how they navigated the Canadian Workplace.
  • Grow your network.
  • Get answers to questions  from subject matter experts.


Other Programs

Discover the Other Workshops, Programs and Services World Skills has to Offer

World Skills For Employers 


Eight team members standing with their arms crossed and smiling

Discover how your business can hire skilled immigrants and play an integral part in the team.

Targeted Recruitment Events Program


Targeted Recruitment Events (TRE) are provided at no cost to employers, for a variety of sectors, professions and areas of expertise. These events enable employers to meet numerous talented newcomers in one place and at one time, optimizing their recruitment budgets and timelines.

Job Fair Program


An office setting with a team celebrating with handshakes and high-fives

Get access to employers and on-the-spot job openings insights at our Annual Job Fair. You will connect with employers, employment and job search experts.

Corporate Mentorship Program



Man and women with hands on table smiling at each other

Corporate Mentorship Program provides mentoring services to highly skilled newcomers. Since 2010, over 1,000 newcomers have received mentoring services to help them secure employment.

 Want to Learn More About our Services? 

Let us guide you in the right direction to find highly skilled newcomers for your business. 



Contact Us

Phone: (613) 233-0453
237 Argyle Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B8


World Skills gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders:

Logo of the province of Ontario
Logo of the United Way of East Ontario
Logo for the Government of Canada, stating "Funded by the Government of Canada"