Corporate Mentorship Program 

Through partnerships with employers in Ottawa, World Skills Corporate Mentorship Program provides mentoring services to highly skilled newcomers. Since 2010, over 1,000 newcomers have received mentoring services to help them secure employment.



Four team members standing with two of them shaking hands


How Corporate Mentorship Works

Corporate Mentorship works as a partnership between World Skills and Corporate employers in Ottawa. Various versions of the Corporate Mentorship Programs have been developed to strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in their workplaces. Based on mutually agreed objectives, employers allocate time and resources towards helping newcomers reach their career goals in Canada. 


Why You Should Join the Program

Benefits of Corporate Mentorship

  • Identify and pre-screen potential employees who may not be visible through traditional recruitment activities. 
  • Access to cross cultural training programs to empower leaders in  team building, orientation, onboarding and retention of staff from diverse backgrounds – and frontline staff to address customer service biases.
  • A great way for mentors to give back to their community by sharing their knowledge and expertise.
  • Leaders, empowered by being mentors, are better able Mentors empowered with leadership skills to manage diversity and reduce conflicts in multicultural work environments.
  • Workplaces become more welcoming and inclusive places for diverse newcomers leading to greater retention and talent development.


Eligibility Criteria for the Corporate Mentorship Program



  • Must be a partner with World Skills Employment Centre

Discover Upcoming Events Happening at World Skills


See What Past Employers Have to Say About Their Experience


“TD Canada continues to benefit in so many ways from this ongoing partnership. Not only are we given the opportunity to meet highly skilled individuals in our community who are actively seeking employment, I also believe the TD employees who act as mentors are given the opportunity to develop their own skills. Without fail, they expand their network, and typically learn something new about a culture or country different from their own which they are able to share back with co-workers. This ultimately has a positive and lasting impact on the culture here at the Bank, creating an environment where everyone’s differences are celebrated; new perspectives, experiences and ideas are shared helping to constantly improve our business and helping TD become, ‘The Even Better Bank’.- Christine Stigter, Executive Sponsor and Senior Manager, Credit Cards”


Other Programs

Discover the other Workshops, Programs and Services World Skills has to offer


World Skills For Employers 


Eight team members standing with their arms crossed and smiling

Discover how your business can hire skilled immigrants and play an integral part in the team.

Coaching and Networking Events


Man in suit explaining something to his team members with coffee and papers on the table

Learn about how you can share best practices and provided employment insights as well as expert coaching for newcomer job seekers.


Job Fair Program


An office setting with a team celebrating with handshakes and high-fives

Get access to employers and on-the-spot job openings insights at our Annual Job Fair. You will connect with employers, employment and job search experts.

Contact Us

Phone: (613) 233-0453
237 Argyle Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B8


World Skills gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders:

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