Annual Job Fair 


Meet with hundreds of highly skilled, job ready World Skills clients with experience in a wide variety of sectors. 



Smiling man in suit talking to woman at table with paper in his hand


This Job Fair is an opportunity for employers to find talent, and to help clients network with people in their field. In addition to excellent recruitment opportunities, the Job Fair includes introductory learning activities with experts on trends and expectations for the labour market.

Interested in attending the 7th Annual Job fair, click the button below to learn more! 

Why you should join?

How the Job Fair will Help you Succeed

  • It is an exclusive job fair for World Skills clients only; it is not open to the public
  • Offers unique opportunity to meet internationally trained individuals who are ready to take on your full-time, part-time or contract positions 
  • Clients know which employers will be there, and the jobs they are recruiting for
  • They will bring targeted resumes and are prepared to task employers intelligence researched questions 
  • Clients have experience in many fields
  • Opportunities to gain valuable insights from subject matter experiences on topics like DEI, market trends, Cross Cultural Communication and much more. 


Eligibility Criteria for the Annual Job Fair

For Job seekers: 

  • Must be a World Skills Client

For Employers: 

  • Must be an employer in the Ottawa area



Discover Upcoming Events Happening at World Skills 


Other Programs

Discover the Other Workshops, Programs and Services World Skills has to Offer

World Skills For Employers 


Eight team members standing with their arms crossed and smiling

Discover how your business can hire skilled immigrants and play an integral part in the team.

Coaching and Networking Events


Learn about how you can share best practices and provided employment insights as well as expert coaching for newcomer job seekers.


Targeted Recruitment Events Program

Targeted Recruitment Events (TRE) are provided at no cost to employers, for a variety of sectors, professions and areas of expertise. These events enable employers to meet numerous talented newcomers in one place and at one time, optimizing their recruitment budgets and timelines


Corporate Mentorship Program



Man and women with hands on table smiling at each other

Corporate Mentorship Program provides mentoring services to highly skilled newcomers. Since 2010, over 1,000 newcomers have received mentoring services to help them secure employment.

Contact Us

Phone: (613) 233-0453
237 Argyle Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B8


World Skills gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our funders:

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