The Roadmap to Employment (RTE) Program

The Roadmap to Employment Program supports newcomers with lower language skills (CLB 3-5) to build on their talents, explore opportunities for building new skills, language learning and finding employment in the Ottawa region.

Take Your First Step with RTE

We support clients to make the most of their talents, guiding them to explore opportunities that match their interests, skills, experience and strengths. Clients are accompanied on their journey to employment through participation in career exploration and job search preparation workshops, exposure to different training and skills building programs, and opportunities to participate in workplace language training.

Join Us for Career Exploration and Job Preparation Workshops!

Meet the RTE team and gain the tools you need to succeed.

How RTE can Help You Succeed

If you are looking for employment, seeking to build your language and communications, learn about learning and training opportunities, take your first step with us! Newcomers with lower language skills will benefit from tailored support to prepare for and navigate the Ottawa job market.

Your Commitment:

Varies by different training. Call or email us for more

Upcoming Workshop Cohorts:


Eligibility Criteria

  • Permanent Resident of Canada or Convention Refugee or
  • Live-in Caregiver
  • Resident of Ottawa and surroundings
  • Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 3-5
  • Legally permitted to work in Canada

Here’s a glimpse of what we offer:

Identify the steps and resources required to achieve your employment goals

Create a resume and job search action plan to help you stay on track

Improve your English language and communication skills

Connect with employers looking for talent like yours!

See What Past Clients Have to Say About Their Experience!