Clarifying IT Roles



Fall of 2022, World Skills and ESDC collaborated on a large recruiting drive (over 300 applications) to create talent pools for several roles, including some in IT, e.g. Project Manager, Data Scientist, and Business Analyst.

While screening applications, it became clear that these role titles mean different things to different people. The understanding of these roles that many clients had did not align with the descriptions the department had provided. This misalignment can cause clients to apply for the wrong jobs, submit poorly tailored applications, or have unsuccessful interviews.

In November, a plurality of clients who joined ENW that month claimed a background in IT and/or expressed an interest in these roles, sometimes as a new career. So ENW organized a coaching session to clarify what these roles entail, what employers look for when hiring for them, and what clients should do to present themselves most effectively (resume tips & interview pointers).

Industry experts from Recruiting in Motion (RIM) — Sari Cantor (Partner) and Julia Meyboom (Recruiter) — gave a great presentation on these IT-related roles: Business Analyst, Data Scientist/Analyst, Project Coordinator/Manager – and answered questions on other IT-related roles. As a bonus, so typical of Sari, a long-standing supporter of ENW and World Skills, she and Julia also included coaching on creating your personal brand and job search tips.

Armed with this information, our ENW clients should be more efficient and effective in their job search and in choosing training courses to upgrade their skills.

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