Occupation Specific Coaching

Accessing World Skill Sector Specialist services starts with a personalized assessment of your education, experience, and goals. Together we then plan your next steps.


Let us help you assess your educational credentials


If your career requires; licensing, credential recognition, and more, let us Sector Specialists help you.

View the detailed workshop outline ->


Occupation Specific Coaching helps provides support to help you navigate specific sectors



If your profession is regulated in Canada and you need to understand the process of licensing in your field and would like guidance with the application process.



Credential Recognition

If you have foreign credentials and you would like to find out if your degree is equivalent to one in the same field in Canada and the process involved.

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Academic Careers

 If you are considering a career in teaching in Canadian universities or colleges and you possess a Ph.D. or Masters, publications, and have experience teaching or researching in your field.



Career Exploration

If you are not sure of your career goal or wish to change careers or explore further studies.


Learn More About the Occupation Specific Coaching Program

Let us help you navigate your sector-specific career.



Contact Us

Phone: (613) 233-0453
Email: ws@ottawa-worldskills.org
237 Argyle Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B8


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