Week of Events
Job Search Workshop
The Job Search Workshop (JSW) is a group-based, one-week workshop where job seekers have the opportunity to learn and practice the skills needed to undertake a successful job search in Canada. Graduates of the program have access to ongoing employment counselling support.
Job Search Workshop OCCSC (week 1)
The OCCSC Job Search Workshop (JSW) is a group-based, five days workshop that takes place throughout two weeks, where job seekers have the opportunity to learn and practice the skills needed to undertake a successful job search in Canada. Graduates of the program have access to ongoing employment counselling support.
A la carte- Presentation Skills
A la carte- Presentation Skills
The A la carte Workshop is a group-based, half-day workshop focused on one specific topic, where job seekers have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge ands skills to undertake a successful job search in Canada.
Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program Information Session EN
Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program Information Session EN
Your FIRST choice to learn about qualifying for, and applying to, the Federal Government’s Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program in 2024! Following an informative presentation, you will have the opportunity to have all of your questions answered, as well as to complete the first steps toward your FIN application. You will leave the event knowing your next