
Welcoming Ottawa Week – LinkedIn Photo with Algonquin College Photography Program

World Skills would like to say a special thank you to the Algonquin College Photography Program, especially Nyamulola Kambanji, Jason Machinski, Micheal Bowie, Denine Wrixon, Tracy Byers Reid, Ryan McCosham and all photography students and alumni for collaborating with us to host a Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW) activity – LinkedIn Profiles. We chose to do

World Skills’ LinkedIn-a-Thon Event was a Success!!

  On November 25, 2015, World Skills Employment Centre, Hire Immigrants Ottawa and Citizenship and Immigration Canada, held the first ever LinkedIn-a-Thon Event in Ottawa.  It was graciously hosted by Kivuto. This event formed part of the Alternative Careers Program which is aimed at supporting newcomers to find suitable jobs which match their skills and