How to Network and Find a Job Using Digital Tools

Building professional connections while trying to find a job in a new country – especially during a global pandemic – can be frustrating.

So, how do you expand our network in the absence of face-to-face meetings and informational interviews? Or present yourself as a potential candidate at remote networking events?  

At a virtual Coaching and Networking event on 09 December, staff members from E & Y (Ernst & Young) spoke with internationally trained professionals about how they can network and find a job during the pandemic by leveraging digital and social media tools.  

The event was attended by newcomer jobseekers with a background in Finance, Accounting, Law, Business Analysis and Professional Services who received some great tips from the following presenters:

  1. Liz Tymon, Manager, Assurance Services, EY Law LLP
  2. John Lasseigne, Senior Associate, Manager, EY Law LLP
  3. Max Halickman, Attorney, EY Law LLP

Besides talking about the importance of having a strong LinkedIn presence, the presenters also spoke about how newcomer jobseekers can create new relationships while strengthening existing ones.

“Networking isn’t only about seeking a job. The idea is to create organic relationships to learn and grow, both personally and professionally,” Max pointed out.

The presenters also had some great advice about leveraging our current networks and setting ourselves apart while seeking a job or volunteering opportunities.

“Capitalize on your transferable skills, especially if you are looking to transition into a new industry, sector or role.”

Liz shared why it is important to target your resume to the job posting and include quantitative examples in the Work Experience section of your resume. While John elaborated on body language and appropriate attire at virtual interviews.

The presenters emphasized that any previous job experience – whether it is in your home country or within Canada – is not a liability for your next career change or job opportunity.

“The important thing is to be creative and play up the relevant experience.”

We appreciate Liz, John and Max for taking the time out of their busy afternoon to share these insights and perspectives. And, we wish all our clients the best of luck as they work toward building their new lives and careers in Canada.

Stay persistent and positive, and don’t lose heart – your dream job is just round the corner!

If you are a newcomer jobseeker looking for employment related programs and services or networking and coaching opportunities, do consider registering as a client by writing to us on

One Comment

  1. I came to Canada two months ago and I want to start a new life in Canada with my small family.
    It might be my 5th trial to start a my business and I feel I am full of hope and power .
    I am very happy to restart in Canada .It is a kind country and deserves the best.

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