Author: Shabana Ansari

How to Network and Find a Job Using Digital Tools

Building professional connections while trying to find a job in a new country – especially during a global pandemic – can be frustrating. So, how do you expand our network in the absence of face-to-face meetings and informational interviews? Or present yourself as a potential candidate at remote networking events?   At a virtual Coaching

Francophones Consider Opportunities at Language School

As part of our ongoing efforts to introduce internationally trained newcomers and local employers to each other, we organized an Information and Targeted Recruitment event on Tuesday 24 November, 2020. Like all our programs, services and events these days, this session was hosted virtually and was attended by our Francophone clients who are considering using

Top Skills That Employers Are Currently Looking for

What are the top skills that employers are currently looking for, and how can newcomer jobseekers keep working on their employment goals during this period of physical distancing and social isolation? This was the topic of discussion at a successful virtual event that we hosted on October 15, 2020, where our clients had the opportunity

Virtual Speed Networking Event for FIN Candidates

At World Skills Employment Centre we continue to do the work of supporting newcomers integrate into the Canadian labour market, despite the challenges that COVID-19 has brought into our personal and professional lives. In the last few months, we have had to adapt and innovate in ways that we didn’t even think were possible. Thanks